This BLOG is my creative outlet for daily frustrations, pet peeves, and even humor! I hope you will enjoy and possibly identify with some of my stories.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I grew up in Utah, so I think I am used to everyone thinking I am Mormon. It never dawned on me to discuss religion with my daughter. We never go to church and to be honest I have never really consider it an issue. However, most of my daughter’s school friends are Mormon and go to church. One day I had picked my daughter and her friend up from pre-school. As we drove past a church my daughter’s friend said, “That’s my church. Bella, how come you don’t go to church?”

I tried not to laugh at my daughter’s response, “We’re Mexican so we can’t be Mormon.”

In December of that year, my husband and I were catering the LDS Ward Christmas Party. We were in the kitchen talking to one of the Bishopric when she told him that we didn't go to church because we were Mexican. I almost died! Of course I can laugh now.

I am still trying to get her to understand that you can be Mexican and Mormon or any religion for that matter!

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