This BLOG is my creative outlet for daily frustrations, pet peeves, and even humor! I hope you will enjoy and possibly identify with some of my stories.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yesterday I was sitting in the recliner bemoaning the fact that I felt like crap, when my daughter comes running out of the other room all excited. She grabs the remote to the TV and says, “Mom! Mom! You have to see what is happening!” as she turns the channel to a local news station.

By her excitement I thought maybe there was a news flash with breaking news. Then she says, “They said, ‘Everything is lookin' good today’! Mom, everything is lookin' good!”

I am still laughing about that one. I think we often forget that kids can be the best source of humor. She definitely brought a smile to my face. Even now as I remember the sparkle in her eyes and her dimples flashing along with her body trembling in excitement it makes me feel all warm inside to know that she can get that happy about the world.

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