Last night was the first night for the Christmas lights at Temple Square. For those of you who do not live in Utah, this is a big deal. The Mormon Temple is lit up with beautiful colored lights. The visitor's center is jam packed with on-lookers gazing at the sight. Since we had out of town guests, we thought we would take them to see the spectacle. As an added treat we parked at a Trax lot and took the light rail into town. Isabella and her little cousin loved the train ride. Riley was oohing and ahhing the whole way. Then as we neared the temple, Isabella started pointing out things and telling me what they were. Finally she pointed at the temple and said, "And there is the haunted house."
I started laughing and said, "That's not a haunted house, that's the Mormon Temple." The lady seated across from us started chuckling. If you have read previous stories you will know that my daughter has a fascination with the fact that we are not LDS (Mormon). Once we were in the temple grounds Isabella asked if we could go in the big building. I told her that we couldn't since we were "Mexican". She looked at me and said, "Well, you're half Mormon, you can go in."