This BLOG is my creative outlet for daily frustrations, pet peeves, and even humor! I hope you will enjoy and possibly identify with some of my stories.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I am wondering if they teach geography in school anymore or is it one of those subjects deemed unnecessary and cut out of the current curriculum? My husband, a cell tower technician, called me today to tell me a humorous story. He had gone to a site that was down. After he corrected the problem he called the company's technical call center to let them know it had been fixed. When the call center employee answered, my husband identified himself as “Doug from Utah.” The call center employee responded with, “Um, what state is that?”

“Utah?” my husband answered a bit sarcastically.

“Is that in Texas?” the call center employee asked.

My husband was dumbfounded as he replied, “Uh, No, it’s Utah.”

He said the call center employee just got quiet after that.

Seriously people, is it too much to ask that we at least know the names of all fifty states in this fine country of ours? Oh and by the way New Mexico is part of the USA!

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