This BLOG is my creative outlet for daily frustrations, pet peeves, and even humor! I hope you will enjoy and possibly identify with some of my stories.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I grew up with a mother who wanted us to experience all religions so that some day we could choose what we wanted. We went to Saturday night mass at the nearby Catholic Church, Primary at the LDS Ward, Vacation Bible School in the summer, and more. The result was that I am now so not into religion that I am not sure what I believe in. This would normally not be an issue, but my six year old has begun to ask a lot of questions about God, Jesus, angels, demons, and the devil. Oh and let’s not forget Heaven and Hell.

It really hit home when Saturday morning she came running into my room and hopped on the bed all excited because apparently she had been watching the Catholic station on cable. She was shaking me as she was excitedly telling me, “Mom! Mom! I’m watching some religion on TV and they said he is gonna rise! God is gonna rise on March 15th!” She was so excited it made me laugh!

I told my husband that he really needs to take her to church since I do know that I do not believe in religion itself. She is desperate to learn about religion and it shows! In the meantime I try to explain to her that God is NOT going to rise on the 15th.

1 comment:

Wish Upon a Star said...

Ha ha. Thats great. I am sure there is someone in the neighborhood who has kids that go to church. Just ask if Bella can tag along.