This BLOG is my creative outlet for daily frustrations, pet peeves, and even humor! I hope you will enjoy and possibly identify with some of my stories.

Monday, February 9, 2009


I just started working out again after a 10 year hiatus – that’s what I like to call it! Last week was my first week of working out.

On my third day I was in the locker room getting ready to take a shower when this heavy girl comes up to me and asks, “How did your work out go?” I told her it had gone great. Then she says, “I used to be as big as you, then I lost 80 lbs.”

I stood there stunned before I could mumble out a not very enthusiastic, “Good for you.” She proceeded to tell me how it took her over a year to lose weight then continued talking about how she used to be big. The whole time she was talking I just kept staring at her thinking, “She seriously thinks she is skinny?” I finally managed to excuse myself and head to the showers.

I started thinking about her comment and it started to really bug me. Not in a sense that made me feel bad about myself, but in sense that why do fat people who have lost weight find the need to have to passively try to knock someone else down in order to make themselves feel good?

Later I told my brother what she said and he said that I should have responded with, “Thanks Bitch.” and then walked off. I told him that had our little sister been there she would have had some good come back.

Now I don’t know if this girl was honestly trying to “encourage” me with her words by saying if she could do it, then I could do it, but I don’t really care. The point is that people should really think about what flows out of his/her mouth before releasing it! I mean, wouldn’t it have been better for her to say, “I lost 80 lbs over the past year”? Why add in the veiled insult? How does she know how much I weigh? Personally, I think she looked like she weighed as much as I did.

Having been fat, then skinny, then fat, then skinny over and over, I would never make any assumptions as to someone else’s weight. I will not let her words knock me down. I will keep working out and one day I will be skinny again!

1 comment:

Wish Upon a Star said...

I agree with James on the bitch part. Racheall your beautiful!! I must say though, my friend Val has just joined the gym and she wants to lose like 40 pounds. The girl at the gym told her she should just get the lapband. Again another bitch in society.